Techna has worked on developing products that can also help with reducing the environmental impact.
Techna nutritional concepts for monogastric species are evaluated at its research station, where multiple nutritional trials are performed each year. Fine tuning existing concepts routinely leads to a saving in feed cost, with the additional benefit of decreasing the environmental impact.
For example,
- in swine, various enzyme combinations tried at different concentrations, allow formulators to employ the most optimal strategy in term of matrix values and feed optimisation. This enzyme efficiency leads to energy and nutrient release allowing savings to be made from other raw materials, including using less of those with phosphorus content which is ultimately better for the environment.
- On the poultry side, Techna uses Aviance, a blend of botanicals, to stimulate the digestive function of the bird and contributes to a well balanced intestinal flora. Aviance, in the diet, has proven to increase the absorption surface area in the gut resulting in an improved feed digestibility and energy efficiency.
- In Ruminant Techna develops and markets also a range of botanical products used in feed and diet optimisation. Novatan is a product that reduces protein breakdown in the rumen meaning more protein is bypassed and utilized in the intestines – protein efficiency is improved. Novatan helps with reducing the animals carbon footprint as improving protein efficiency, reduces protein waste and can help in reducing excreted nitrogen (N) per litre of milk. Novatan has validation from The Carbon Trust - “Based on results from laboratory and on farm testing against a valid baseline, Novatan can reduce methane emissions in beef and dairy cattle”.
Elensis is a blend of aromatic substances with a targeted action to improve energy efficiency and digestibility in ruminants. In the rumen it shifts fermentation towards propionate which is the most efficient VFA for energy utilisation. Shifting fermentation towards propionate not only improves energy utilisation but it also helps in reducing methane production. In the hindgut it is effective at improving total starch digestibility. Elensisimproves performances whilst participating to reduce the environmental footprint.
We combine Techna’s know-how of nutrition, formulation and additives. We use a matrix value for our products which allows us to use the right quantity of the product to reach our objectives. By doing this, we ensure an optimal use of the raw materials in feed and participate in the management of the environmental impact of livestock