Protein-based nutrition of fish should first and foremost seek to ensure a sufficient supply of EEAs. It is the feed formulator’s task to evaluate and adjust the amino acid composition of the feed he/she produces. This goal can be achieved by various means:
- Access to comprehensive data bases: these data bases provide information on the amino acid composition of each of the available raw materials
- Access to feed specifications: each ingredient corresponds to a set of maximum/minimum dietary feed constraints to be respected. These will allow the formulator to adjust the composition of his/her feed
- Access to analytical laboratories: detailed analysis of raw materials allows the feed formulator to check the quality of these materials
- The formulator can also incorporate synthetic amino acids in feed formulation.
From a formulation strategy perspective, the nutritionist’s task is then to adjust the protein level of the feed by composing with complementary compositions of raw materials and the amino acids available.
Amino acid requirements are likely to vary depending on the species of fish, their environment, their physiological state, etc. With detailed knowledge of raw materials and nutritional requirements of fish species, TECHNA Group experts can assist feed manufacturers in their formulation process and setting of adapted linear programs. For further information please contact us!