Is your horse not in good shape (loss of appetite, tired, dull coat...)? Has he just undergone a course of medication? Is he struggling to recover from his last competition? Would you like to help him feel better? Do you want to avoid a dip in form? Then it's probably time to suggest a detoxification programme, with liver and kidney drainage.
The role of the liver: as versatile as it is essential to the horse's well-being
The liver plays a vital role in a horse's health. It has many functions, including :
- filtering waste products,
- producing certain digestive juices,
- metabolising nutrients
- storing vitamins and minerals,
- synthesising and producing many proteins, etc.
It is therefore an organ that is absolutely essential to a horse's good health and well-being.
Certain events, such as eating too rich a diet, ingesting hepatotoxic plants or engaging in strenuous activity, can cause problems for this precious liver.
The role of the kidneys: the liver's indispensable ally in blood detoxification
The kidneys play an essential role in eliminating metabolic waste products (urea, creatinine, myoglobin).
They are also involved in
- water regulation
- acid-base balance
- hormone production,
Its synergy with the liver is therefore obvious.
When is it necessary to drain your horse's liver and kidneys?
Liver detoxification in horses fed an excessively rich diet
An unbalanced diet can quickly overload the liver. Particular attention should therefore be paid to horses :
- Who have been turned out to grass after a period in a stable,
- Taking advantage of spring grass,
- Whose high nutritional requirements call for a large ration.
Adapting the feed to the horse's activity and metabolism is therefore the first key to a healthy liver.
Helping the horse's body after a major effort to promote recovery
The liver and kidneys are responsible for filtering and eliminating waste. They are therefore put to great use following a competition, to help the horse athlete recover. Athletes need to eliminate toxins from their bodies, so they work hard even when they are at rest.
Kidney or liver failure in horses: essential monitoring
Liver and/or kidney failure are often detected late: as the liver is able to function even when it is deficient, the symptoms are only visible at an advanced stage.
It is therefore vital to prevent liver and kidney failure, and to help the horse suffering from it with appropriate supplements.
How does a liver drainage cure work?
Hepatic and renal drainage for horses consists of a 6 to 10-day course of treatment. This treatment can be repeated at least twice a year, and should be carried out :
- in spring or autumn to accompany the change of season,
- as a preventive measure when changing diet,
- after strenuous exercise, to aid recovery,
- after antibiotic or deworming treatment,
- in older horses to support kidney and liver function,
- after intoxication (from plants, for example).
A product like Algua Digest, which is easy to administer in the ration, supports the liver and kidneys in their functions and helps the horse benefiting from it to detoxify its body.

If you have any doubts about your horse's health, you should consult a vet. If you want to improve your horse's well-being by giving him the benefits of a liver detox, go here to find your nearest PaskaCheval distributor.
Paskacheval is a range of plant-based feed supplements and external care products designed to enhance the performance and well-being of every horse.