Paskacheval embodies Techna's health nutrition and equine care range, dedicated to professionals and horse enthusiasts.
The history of the brand is a history of passion. It begins with a passion for horses. It's no coincidence that the PaskaCheval brand was born in 1959 near Craon, in the Mayenne region of France, the Mecca of horse racing. From the 1960s onwards, our commitment to performance was very well received and has remained with us ever since. Our expertise and the technical nature of our products have won us over and are now adopted by the world of racing, breeding, sports and leisure.
Our second passion plays an equally vital role in our history: the knowledge and use of plants. The vast majority of our products are formulated using active plant ingredients. We believe in the formidable power of combining science and nature. Phytotherapy has been a conscious choice from the very beginning of the PaskaCheval brand.
Passion is also at the heart of our relationships with our partners, and is a collective commitment. Our advisors and scientific experts, all from the world of horses, put their experience and expertise at the service of our customers every day. From the preliminary study of their needs to the analysis of the results, we provide a personalised response to their expectations.