What is a coarse mix?
A coarse mix is a blend of raw materials and semi-finished uncrushed products, as opposed to standard compound feed. Compound feeds are usually the object of careful dosage; they have been grinded and mixed in the case of “mash” feed, and pelleted in the case of other types of feed. A coarse mix is an interesting feeding option due to its swift, simple, and therefore economic manufacturing process. However, it is now considered a genuine form of feed, and as such, it is subject to regulations: labeling obligations and hygiene regulations, with all the usual requirements (qualification processes, monitoring…).
A coarse mix is a hybrid form of feed. It was especially designed to respond to the lack of trust that hit farmers after the BSE crisis in the 1990s. It reflects the imperative requirement to “see” the raw materials intended for feeding livestock and greater transparency in the labeling (list of raw materials or categories of ingredients). It is presented in the form of unprocessed raw materials, semi-finished products, mineral feed, and additives.
A coarse mix can contain a significant proportion of long fibres (alfalfa, hay, straw…,), cereals processed (flattened, rolled, flaked…), complementary nuclei pellet (protein, energy…), molasses (or equivalent liquid products), blends of additives…