Getting the most out of energy is essential to secure performance and efficiency in ruminants. For dairy cows, for example, an energy deficit at the start of lactation can adversely affect milk production, milk solids and the calving-to-calving interval.
Elensis is a product composed of natural active ingredients carefully selected to optimise the use of energy in rations.
Mode of action:
2 zones of action for improved energy yield:
- Rumen: increase in volatile fatty acids and propionate/acetate ratio.
- Intestine: better absorption of nutrients
Proven performance:
Using Elensis in ruminant feed helps to optimise*:
- Technical performances:
- Increased milk production: +1.5kg of milk/cow/day
- Better growth in beef cattle: +4 to +6% ADG (Average Daily Gains)
- Economic performances:
- Feed costs reduced by 1 to 3%.
- Increased margin on feed costs: potential ROI of 1:8
- Environnemental performance:
- Reduction in greenhouse gas emissions: -5% methane
Scientific references:
- A research programme conducted in partnership with AgroParisTech and the Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona
- *Proven results from over 20 field trials carried out on pilot farms in Europe, Africa and the Middle East.